A Committer's Preview of PGConf.EU 2016 - Part 3
Stephen Frost
2 min readMore by this author
Today, I am wrapping up my preview of next week's PGConf.EU conference. I'm really excited about all of the excellent topics and speakers that we get to choose from! Once again, here's the full Schedule.
On Friday morning, I have to recommend Arthur Zakirov and Oleg Bartunov’s talk on Better Full Text Search in PostgreSQL, even if you don’t use any Full Text Search today, they will be discussing the new RUM indexing capability which is currently being worked on. If that isn’t your thing, then definitely check out Jan Wieck’s talk on Peeking into the black hole called PL/pgSQL - The new PL profiler.
After the coffee break is Marcin Cieślak’s talk which pits PostgreSQL against MySQL for the MediaWiki project and looks to be an extremely interesting talk, though I must admit that Vik’s example-driven examination of how useful LATERAL is looks like a great talk for anyone who is not familiar with LATERAL. Next, Crunchy Data's own David Steele is back and talking about Audit Logging for PostgreSQL, a subject which is near and dear to my heart and one that I am hopeful we will make progress in with PG10 and beyond.
Last, but certainly not least, is Stefanie Janine Stölting’s talk coined One Database to Rule 'em All, which I have to get behind because of the reference to the One Ring and Tolkien’s masterpiece, though also because PostgreSQL’s ability to be the central repository of huge amounts of federated data is just plain amazing and if you aren’t familiar with Foreign Data Wrappers, you need to get familiar with them.
The final set of talks on Friday also all look very interesting and I plan to attend them, prior to heading out to the bar!
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