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Latest posts from Caitlin Strong

  • Patroni & etcd in High Availability Environments

    Caitlin Strong

    Crunchy Data products often include High Availability. Patroni and etcd are two of our go-to tools for managing those environments. Today I wanted to explore how these work together. Patroni relies on proper operation of the etcd cluster to decide what to do with PostgreSQL. When communication between these two pieces breaks down, it creates instability in the environment resulting in failover, cluster restart, and even the the loss of a primary database. To fully understand the importance of...

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  • Preventing SQL Injection Attacks in Postgres

    Caitlin Strong

    More and more frequently, customers are being given access to company databases for purposes of account management, receiving customer support, or placing and tracking an order. Although this provides great convenience for the end user, it also opens the database up to certain vulnerabilities . Any feature that allows a user to search or edit content within a database runs the risk of an attacker exploiting this feature to obtain additional access to company information. When a user subverts th...

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