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Jean-Paul Argudo
Jean-Paul Argudo
With PostgreSQL 15 comes a new SQL Command called MERGE . has been in the SQL standard for quite a while, but it just made its way into the PostgreSQL codebase. Prior to , if you wanted to refresh a target table from a source table , prior to Postgres 15, you could use the "upsert" method with the clause . Now, can be used instead! Some situations where makes a lot of sense are: • data loading from external sources, thru foreign data wrappers • staged and batched process jobs data l...
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Jean-Paul Argudo
With Crunchy Data's focus on Postgres we often talk with people that are looking to reduce their dependency on other databases and modernize their data stack. A big portion of that is migrating and building new apps on Postgres . One common tool in migration from an Oracle database is Orafce which imitates many Oracle functions inside PostgreSQL. Using a tool like Orafce can assist greatly with the migration process. Long term, however, it is likely good practice to slowly refactor your appli...
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Jean-Paul Argudo
Wordle became very popular on the internet very quickly. It's a 5 letter word game to guess among all possible words in a given language. The French version is like the English one, except words aren't be written with the accents we have in French, like “é, è, ê, ë, à, ô,” etc. Words with the special character “œ” are written with 2 characters like “oe”. The French language has 7980 5-letter words. At least according to this website . Yes, I did copy/paste every 21 pages of the words in a...
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