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Latest posts from Paul Laurence

  • Using Kubernetes? Chances Are You Need a Database

    Paul Laurence

    Whether you are starting a new development project, launching an application modernization effort, or engaging in digital transformation, chances are you are evaluating Kubernetes. If you selected Kubernetes, chances are you will ultimately need a database . Kubernetes provides many benefits for running applications including efficiency, automation, or infrastructure abstraction. These features allow you to deploy highly availability databases and scale, making it easier to manage hardware f...

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  • 6 min read

    Is Postgres Secure?

    Paul Laurence

    With the rise of Postgres, new organizations are evaluating how to benefit from its power and flexibility . As that evaluation progresses, Postgres advocates must address the question, "Is Postgres secure?" There are a variety of ways to answer this question, but the short answer is a confident "Yes!" At Crunchy Data, we often collaborate with organizational stakeholders to address this question. Many organizations have used the same collection of databases for years (maybe decades). The id...

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  • The Answer is Postgres; The Question is How?

    Paul Laurence

    There is increasing consensus that Postgres is a great choice of database for a broad range of use cases. As our friends at RedMonk have said: the answer is postgres, now what's the question again? ;-) — Elon Mook (@monkchips) April 29, 2017 You have a number of good options for how to run Postgres: run it in VMs, as a managed service or bare metal. Benjamin Good, a Google Cloud Solutions Architect, wrote a helpful blog post of when to run databases on Kubernetes ; a common question and increa...

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  • Postgres: The Friendly Relational Member of Your Data Management Toolbox

    Paul Laurence

    While every year feels like the year of Postgres these days, 2012 did not. For most observers, 2012 was the year of "Big Data" as NoSQL technologies like Hadoop and MongoDB were demonstrating powerful new data management use cases. At the same time, Crunchy Data was still just an idea and was beginning to engage with various consumers of database technology on how this wave of new open source tools were impacting their data strategy. During these early discussions - and many since - we heard h...

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