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Kubernetes Operator Meets Fully Managed Postgres
Andrew L'Ecuyer
10 min readMore by this author
As a team you often get handed a piece of software to deploy and manage, for example Red Hat's Ansible Automation Platform (AAP) or Quay. Red Hat's guide is to run and manage this in OpenShift and great, you're already comfortable with OpenShift and have a decent size deployment. Turns out pretty early on you've got a decision to make you didn't even realize was a decision, what are you going to do about the database? Most software needs a database – and the database of choice is overwhelmingly Postgres. But managing stateful systems is a different commitment than stateless apps.
In fact we have the conversation all the time with customers that need Postgres, want Postgres. While some want to manage and be responsible for their database others don't. Well today you've got another choice. You can still have your database integrated with Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes, but not actually have to worry about monitoring it. With the latest release of Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes you can provision fully managed Postgres by Crunchy Bridge from within your kube cluster.
Crunchy Bridge is a fully managed cloud Postgres service, at a high level:
- Deployable on any public cloud AWS, Azure, or GCP
- Has plans to fit a variety of needs from hobby projects to large enterprise
- In place scaling and sizing, read replicas for horizontal scaling
- High availability, point in time recovery, and managed backups
- Database monitoring and insights
- Fully supported by a team of Postgres experts
Our latest release of Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes now has an API for deploying and managing Postgres clusters in Crunchy Bridge. Today I’ll walk through the steps of getting up a Kubernetes environment that will deploy a fully managed cloud Postgres cluster.
Running Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes
To start we will want to get the Postgres Operator up and running if we haven’t already. Naturally, we will need to have a Kubernetes cluster provisioned. In your terminal, make sure that kubectl
has its context set to your desired Kubernetes cluster. You can then follow the Installation section in our Quickstart guide to get the operator up and running.
To utilize the CrunchyBridgeCluster feature, you will need to be running the Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes version 5.6 or greater and have the crunchybridgecluster
CRD installed. If you have an earlier version installed, follow the upgrade instructions to bring your installation up to 5.6.
Let’s verify the existence of the crunchybridgecluster
resource before moving forward:
$ kubectl get crd
Connecting to Crunchy Bridge
- Create an Account: If you have not used Crunchy Bridge before, create an account. You will also need an active payment method. Note that Crunchy Bridge invoices for prorated fees so you can create a test and destroy it without incurring the full monthly cost.
- Create an API key: Each account can create API keys that will allow the operator to authenticate with the Bridge API. You can find API keys inside My Account on the left sidebar.
- Get your team ID. The URL in your web browser should take the form of<Your Team ID/dashboard
where<Your Team ID>
should be a string of random characters. Copy your Team ID and keep it handy as we are about to use it.
Set up Kubernetes API for Crunchy Bridge
Create a Secret in our Kubernetes cluster for Bridge API key
We are now ready to create a Secret in our Kubernetes cluster that the operator will use to authenticate with Bridge. Execute the following command, filling in the API Key and the Team ID as specified:
kubectl create secret generic bridge-connection-secret \
-n postgres-operator \
--from-literal=key=<your Crunchy Bridge API Key here> \
--from-literal=team=<your Crunchy Bridge Team ID here>
Note: if the operator is running in a different namespace, you will want to create the secret in that namespace.
Creating a Bridge Cluster CRD
With Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes now running and our connection secret in place, we are now ready to create a Postgres cluster in Bridge. To do this we will need to create a manifest for creating and manipulating the CrunchyBridgeCluster Custom Resource in Kubernetes. Here is a basic example:
kind: CrunchyBridgeCluster
name: my-test-cluster-cr
namespace: postgres-operator
isHa: false
clusterName: my-test-bridge-cluster
plan: standard-8
majorVersion: 16
provider: aws
region: us-west-2
secret: bridge-connection-secret
storage: 100Gi
- { name: 'application', secretName: 'application-role-secret' }
- { name: 'postgres', secretName: 'postgres-role-secret' }
Let’s walk through this manifest. When we kubectl apply
this yaml file, we will be creating a CrunchyBridgeCluster
custom resource with the name my-test-cluster-cr
in the postgres-operator
namespace. The postgres-operator will see this CR and begin working on creating a cluster in Bridge with the specifications in the spec
isHa: false
will ask that the cluster have the High Availability feature turned offclusterName: my-test-bridge-cluster
will request that the name of the cluster in Bridge bemy-test-bridge-cluster
plan: standard-8
will request astandard-8
plan, which sets the amount memory, cpus, among other things (see the Plans and pricing documentation for details)majorVersion: 16
sets the Postgres version to 16provider: aws
asks that the cluster be provisioned in AWS (other options areazure
)region: us-west-2
tells Bridge to provision the cluster in theus-west-2
regionsecret: bridge-connection-secret
tells the operator the name of the secret that we created earlier that should be used to authenticate with Bridgestorage: 100Gi
will ask that the cluster be provisioned with 100 gibibytes of storage space
Apply the CR to create the cluster
Save the file and then apply it to create the cluster:
$ kubectl apply -f myTestCluster.yaml created
Cluster details
If we do a kubectl describe
on the crunchybridgecluster
resource type we can look at the details of our cluster:
$ kubectl describe crunchybridgecluster -n postgres-operator
Name: my-test-cluster-cr
Namespace: postgres-operator
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version:
Kind: CrunchyBridgeCluster
Creation Timestamp: 2024-03-19T19:36:13Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 41244527
UID: b40169d0-a3dc-445d-8221-5392c54a0690
Cluster Name: my-test-bridge-cluster
Is Ha: false
Major Version: 16
Plan: standard-8
Provider: aws
Region: us-west-2
Secret: bridge-connection-secret
Storage: 100Gi
Last Transition Time: 2024-03-19T19:36:14Z
Message: Bridge cluster state is creating.
Observed Generation: 1
Reason: creating
Status: False
Type: Ready
Last Transition Time: 2024-03-19T19:36:15Z
Message: No upgrades being performed
Observed Generation: 1
Reason: NoUpgradesInProgress
Status: False
Type: Upgrading
Id: ft36khfslre6hhwykh5m5u2sau
Is Ha: false
Is Protected: false
Major Version: 16
Name: my-test-bridge-cluster
Plan: standard-8
Cpu: 2
created_at: 2024-03-19T19:36:14Z
Id: ft36khfslre6hhwykh5m5u2sau
is_ha: false
is_protected: false
is_suspended: false
major_version: 16
Memory: 8
Name: my-test-bridge-cluster
network_id: kdn7pmp2wfbefosfuzrlnl2zve
plan_id: standard-8
postgres_version_id: h5xjatdwujh4fnfn7ab6uh5xsu
provider_id: aws
region_id: us-west-2
reset_stats_weekly: true
State: creating
Storage: 100
tailscale_active: false
team_id: kjtsp4kmyrdyfmatpwbt6s2hfq
updated_at: 2024-03-19T19:36:14Z
disk_available_mb: 0
disk_total_size_mb: 0
disk_used_mb: 0
State: creating
cluster_id: ft36khfslre6hhwykh5m5u2sau
team_id: kjtsp4kmyrdyfmatpwbt6s2hfq
State: creating
Storage: 100Gi
Events: <none>
This command gives us a great amount of information about our cluster. We see the things that we supplied in our manifest, namely the settings in the spec
and the name
and namespace
, but also a lot of information in the status
which all comes from Bridge. We can see that the status.state
is creating
. Furthermore, we can see that the ready
condition is false
because the cluster is in a “creating” state. We can corroborate this fact by going back to the Crunchy Bridge GUI in the web browser and seeing that the cluster state is “creating” there as well. If we periodically do a kubectl describe
every few minutes, we should eventually see the ready
condition transition to true
indicating that the cluster is fully bootstrapped and ready.
Connecting to the cluster
Now that we have a postgres cluster up and running in Bridge, we want to connect to it so that we can start using it. While you can use the Crunchy Bridge dashboard or the CLI to connect to your database, the operator can also retrieve the connection information for us and store it in a Secret in our kube cluster. This provides a convenient interface for any applications running in the kube cluster to get connection details for the database.
To get the credentials, we need to add the desired role(s) to our CrunchyBridgeCluster spec. Bridge has two default roles, postgres
and application
, and a role for each specific user account. We can get a particular role’s connection information by adding an object to spec.roles
that has a name
property, where we enter the name of the desired role, and a secretName
property, where we can set a Secret name of our choosing. See the below example of how the roles are added.
- { name: 'application', secretName: 'application-role-secret' }
- { name: 'postgres', secretName: 'postgres-role-secret' }
We should then see a Secret get created in our namespace called application-role-secret
. We can look at its contents by running the following command:
$ kubectl get secret/application-role-secret -n postgres-operator -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
name: YXBwbGljYXRpb24=
uri: cG9zdGdyZXM6Ly9hcHBsaWNhdGlvbjpYcHA2eU55WkNScUcyVmh5QThwQ0VrTUJRZld5R281V3RHS0tlbVFaWkw5VUZTdkI0RFdGZ29rUThFa2xsOFRCQHAuZnQzNmtoZnNscmU2aGh3eWtoNW01dTJzYXUuZGIucG9zdGdyZXNicmlkZ2UuY29tOjU0MzIvcG9zdGdyZXM=
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2024-03-19T21:02:37Z"
labels: application my-test-cluster-cr cbc-pgrole
name: application-role-secret
namespace: postgres-operator
- apiVersion:
blockOwnerDeletion: true
controller: true
kind: CrunchyBridgeCluster
name: my-test-cluster-cr
uid: b40169d0-a3dc-445d-8221-5392c54a0690
resourceVersion: "41284965"
uid: 57fb11be-8c47-44be-a818-236b8a6d970d
type: Opaque
Note that the data is encoded, so in order to get their string values we will have to decode them. The following commands will retrieve, decode, and store each piece of data in a separate environment variable:
$ APPLICATION_USERNAME=$(kubectl -n postgres-operator get secrets application-role-secret -o go-template='{{ | base64decode}}')
$ APPLICATION_PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n postgres-operator get secrets application-role-secret -o go-template='{{.data.password | base64decode}}')
$ APPLICATION_URI=$(kubectl -n postgres-operator get secrets application-role-secret -o go-template='{{.data.uri | base64decode}}')
You can now plug these values into your application and connect to your database!
Updating or resizing your cluster
We’ve created a cluster, connected to it, and maybe even started adding data. But what if we want to make a change to the cluster? Maybe we realized after we created the cluster that 100 gibibytes isn’t going to be enough space and we want to resize to 200Gi? Luckily, making these kinds of changes is as easy as editing our spec:
kind: CrunchyBridgeCluster
name: my-test-cluster-cr
namespace: postgres-operator
isHa: false
clusterName: my-test-bridge-cluster
plan: standard-8
majorVersion: 16
provider: aws
region: us-west-2
secret: bridge-connection-secret
storage: 200Gi
- { name: 'application', secretName: 'application-role-secret' }
- { name: 'postgres', secretName: 'postgres-role-secret' }
Once we’ve applied the changes to our manifest, we can do a kubectl describe
on the crunchybridgecluster
resource and we will see in the status.conditions
that an upgrade of type “resize” is in progress:
$ kubectl describe crunchybridgecluster -n postgres-operator
Message: Bridge cluster state is ready.
Observed Generation: 3
Reason: ready
Status: True
Type: Ready
Last Transition Time: 2024-03-19T22:54:59Z
Message: Performing an upgrade of type resize with a state of creating.
Observed Generation: 3
Reason: resize
Status: True
Type: Upgrading
Once the resize is complete, you will see the upgrading
status condition go back to false
will reflect the new value.
Deleting the cluster
While we’ve enjoyed having you and hope you’ll stay for a long time, whenever you need to delete your postgres cluster, it is as simple as deleting the CR from your kube cluster and the operator will take care of the rest:
$ kubectl delete -f myTestCluster.yaml "my-test-cluster-cr" deleted
Note: If the is_protected
setting is true
, the cluster will not be deleted. This is a helpful safeguard against accidentally deleting clusters.
Tips for working with Kubernetes & Crunchy Bridge
If you’re a current Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes user, get familiar with the Crunchy Bridge docs and our CLI. You’ll love how easy our CLI is to use for other management tasks. You’ll probably need to use Crunchy Bridge for now to do things like create a fork for backups or create a replica.
- If you’re a current Bridge customer, get familiar with the Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes docs. Also, there’s a great Discord community.
- Keep the cluster specs updated if you make any changes to your key machine metrics like plan, storage size, or HA settings. While you can do these in the Crunchy Bridge dashboard or CLI, managing them in your Kubernetes will keep the files more closely aligned and minimize drift.
Next time you need to deploy an app in Kubernetes and it needs a database - now you have more choices. One for managed Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes and the other, fully managed, Crunchy Bridge.
Co-authored with Drew Sessler.
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