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Moving Objects and Geofencing with Postgres & PostGIS

Paul Ramsey

5 min readMore by this author

In a recent post, we introduced pg_eventserv and the real-time web notifications from database actions.

In this post, we will dive into a practical use case: displaying state, calculating events, and tracking historical location for a set of moving objects.


This demonstration uses pg_eventserv for eventing, and pg_featureserv for external web API, and OpenLayers as the map API, to build a small example application that shows off the common features of moving objects systems.

Try it out!


Moving objects applications can be very complex or very simple, but they usually include a few common baseline features:

  • A real-time view of the state of the objects.
  • Live notifications when objects enter and leave a set of "geofences".
  • Querying the history of the system, to see where objects have been, and to summarize their state (eg, "truck 513 spent 50% of its time in the yard").


The model has three tables:


  • objects where the current location of the objects is stored.
  • geofences where the geofences are stored.
  • objects_history where the complete set of all object locations are stored.

Architecture (in brief)

From the outside, the system has the following architecture:


Changes to objects are communicated in via a web API backed by pg_featureserv, those changes fires a bunch of triggers that generate events that pg_eventserv pushes out to listening clients via WebSockets.

Architecture (in detail)

  • The user interface generates object movements, via the arrow buttons for each object. This is in lieu of a real "moving object" fleet in the real world generating timestamped GPS tracks.

  • Every movement click on the UI fires a call to a web API, which is just a function published via pg_featureserv, object_move(object_id, direction).

postgisftw.object_move(object_id, direction)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION postgisftw.object_move(
    move_id integer, direction text)
RETURNS TABLE(id integer, geog geography)
AS $$
  xoff real = 0.0;
  yoff real = 0.0;
  step real = 2.0;

  yoff := CASE
    WHEN direction = 'up' THEN 1 * step
    WHEN direction = 'down' THEN -1 * step
    ELSE 0.0 END;

  xoff := CASE
    WHEN direction = 'left' THEN -1 * step
    WHEN direction = 'right' THEN 1 * step
    ELSE 0.0 END;

  RETURN QUERY UPDATE moving.objects mo
    SET geog = ST_Translate(mo.geog::geometry, xoff, yoff)::geography,
        ts = now()
    WHERE = move_id
    RETURNING, mo.geog;

  • The object_move(object_id, direction) function just converts the "direction" parameter into a movement vector, and UPDATES the relevant row of the objects table.

  • The change to the objects table fires off the objects_geofence() trigger, which calculates the fences the object is now in.

CREATE FUNCTION objects_geofence() RETURNS trigger AS $$
        fences_new integer[];
        -- Add the current geofence state to the input
        -- tuple every time.
        SELECT coalesce(array_agg(id), ARRAY[]::integer[])
            INTO fences_new
            FROM moving.geofences
            WHERE ST_Intersects(geofences.geog, new.geog);

        RAISE DEBUG 'fences_new %', fences_new;
        -- Ensure geofence state gets saved
        NEW.fences := fences_new;
        RETURN NEW;

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
  • The change to the objects table then fires off the objects_update() trigger, which:
    • Compares the current set of geofences to the previous set, and thus detects any enter/leave events.
    • Adds the new location of the object to the objects_history tracking table.
    • Composes the new location and any geofence events into a JSON object and puts it into the "objects" NOTIFY queue using pg_notify().
CREATE FUNCTION objects_update() RETURNS trigger AS

        channel text := 'objects';
        fences_old integer[];
        fences_entered integer[];
        fences_left integer[];
        events_json jsonb;
        location_json jsonb;
        payload_json jsonb;
        -- Place a copy of the value into the history table
        INSERT INTO moving.objects_history (id, geog, ts, props)
            VALUES (, NEW.geog, NEW.ts, NEW.props);

        -- Clean up any nulls
        fences_old := coalesce(OLD.fences, ARRAY[]::integer[]);
        RAISE DEBUG 'fences_old %', fences_old;

        -- Compare to previous fences state
        fences_entered = NEW.fences - fences_old;
        fences_left = fences_old - NEW.fences;

        RAISE DEBUG 'fences_entered %', fences_entered;
        RAISE DEBUG 'fences_left %', fences_left;

        -- Form geofence events into JSON for notify payload
        WITH r AS (
        SELECT 'entered' AS action,
   AS geofence_id,
            g.label AS geofence_label
        FROM moving.geofences g
        WHERE = ANY(fences_entered)
        SELECT 'left' AS action,
   AS geofence_id,
            g.label AS geofence_label
        FROM moving.geofences g
        WHERE = ANY(fences_left)
        SELECT json_agg(row_to_json(r))
        INTO events_json
        FROM r;

        -- Form notify payload
        SELECT json_build_object(
            'type', 'objectchange',
            'events', events_json,
            'location', json_build_object(
                'longitude', ST_X(NEW.geog::geometry),
                'latitude', ST_Y(NEW.geog::geometry)),
            'ts', NEW.ts,
            'color', NEW.color,
            'props', NEW.props)
        INTO payload_json;

        RAISE DEBUG '%', payload_json;

        -- Send the payload out on the channel
        PERFORM (
            SELECT pg_notify(channel, payload_json::text)

        RETURN NEW;

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
  • pg_eventserv picks the event off the NOTIFY queue and pushes it out to all listening clients over WebSockets.
  • The user interface recieves the JSON payload, parses it, and applies the new location to the appropriate object. If there is a enter/leave event on a geofence, the UI also changes the geofence outline color appropriately.

Phew! That's a lot!

  • Side note, the geofences table also has a trigger, layer_change() that catches insert/update/delete events and publishes a JSON notification with pg_notify(). This is also published by pg_eventserv and when the UI receives it, it simply forces a full re-load of geofence data.
CREATE FUNCTION layer_change() RETURNS trigger AS

        layer_change_json json;
        channel text := 'objects';
        -- Tell the client what layer changed and how
        SELECT json_build_object(
            'type', 'layerchange',
            'layer', TG_TABLE_NAME::text,
            'change', TG_OP)
          INTO layer_change_json;

        RAISE DEBUG 'layer_change %', layer_change_json;
        PERFORM (
            SELECT pg_notify(channel, layer_change_json::text)
        RETURN NEW;

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

OK, all done.

Trying It Out Yourself

All the code and instructions are available in the moving objects example of pg_eventserv.


  • Moving objects are a classic case of "system state stored in the database".
  • PostgreSQL provides the LISTEN/NOTIFY system to update clients about real-time changes.
  • The pg_eventserv service allows you to push LISTEN/NOTIFY events further out to any WebSockets client and generate a moving object map.
  • Because the state is managed in the database, storing the historical state of the system is trivially easy. $$