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Free online community event

PostGIS Day 2023

Join us for a full day of talks about open-source Geospatial applications and tools.

Call for Papers open through September 29th.

Call for Papers

Have a great story tell about how you use PostGIS? We are looking for papers in a variety of use cases to represent the breadth and sophistication of PostGIS. Talk slots are 30 minutes long and talks generally last 20-25 minutes with time for transition and questions.

What is PostGIS Day?

PostGIS Day is part of Geography Awareness Week and serves to highlight the features and uses of the PostGIS spatial database as a part of the GIS ecosystem. PostGIS Day is observed the day after GIS Day, for obvious reasons.

Spatial data is everywhere these days, and PostGIS is frequently used to manage that data. Logistics, precision agriculture, insurance, risk analysis and many more industries can or are working with spatial data.

PostGIS Day is a chance to learn how others are making use of PostGIS, pick up some tips and tricks, and share our stories about bringing this excellent tool into your organizations.

How does PostGIS Day work?

PostGIS Day is an online event using the Zoom webinar platform. Attendees are able to drop in and out as needed. A chat for all attendees and panelists is open as well as features for Q&A. Talks are recorded and posted to our YouTube channel for viewing later as well.

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