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Posts about Security

  • Deploy PostgreSQL With TLS in Kubernetes

    Jonathan S. Katz

    Ensuring data can be securely transmitted is a requirement of many production systems . PostgreSQL supports TLS as a means of encrypting network communication, verifying hosts, and allowing for certificate-based authentication . The TLS functionality of PostgreSQL is extendable into Kubernetes deployments. The Crunchy Data Postgres Operator has provided support for TLS since version 4.3, using Kubernetes Secrets for mounting the TLS components safely to each Pod. The PostgreSQL Operator does...

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  • 3 min read

    Announcing the Crunchy Data PostgreSQL Security Technical Implementation Guide

    Douglas Hunley

    Crunchy Data is pleased to announce the publication of the Crunchy Data PostgreSQL Security Technical Implementation Guide ( STIG ) by the United States Defense Information Systems Agency ( DISA ). Crunchy Data collaborated with DISA to make PostgreSQL the first open source database to provide a published STIG in 2017, and this new STIG reflects Crunchy Data's ongoing collaboration with DISA to provide enhanced security guidance as PostgreSQL continues to advance and evolve. While the ST...

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  • 6 min read

    How to SCRAM in Postgres with pgBouncer

    Jonathan S. Katz

    I've made it no secret that I am a huge fan of PostgreSQL 's SCRAM support: it provides a secure, standardized way of performing authentication with passwords, and is a method that can be universally applied. The beauty of SCRAM is that both authenticating parties (in this case, your client/application and PostgreSQL) can both verify that each party knows a secret without ever exchanging the secret . In this case, the secret is a PostgreSQL password! That is incredible , and is also a hug...

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  • 10 min read

    How To Improve PgBouncer Security with TLS/SSL

    David Youatt

    PgBouncer is a commonly deployed and recommended connection pooler for PostgreSQL. It supports a number of authentication methods including TLS/SSL client certificate authentication. Since PgBouncer is located logically between the client and PostgreSQL you have the option of using TLS and cert authentication from client to PgBouncer and from PgBouncer to PostgreSQL. In this brief blog post, we’ll describe configuring securing the client-to-PgBouncer transport first, then build on that to use cl...

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  • 4 min read

    Enhancing PostgreSQL 12 Security with the CIS Benchmark

    Douglas Hunley

    Crunchy Data has recently announced an update to the CIS PostgreSQL Benchmark by the Center for Internet Security , a nonprofit organization that provides publications around standards and best practices for securing technologies systems. This newly published CIS PostgreSQL 12 Benchmark joins the existing CIS Benchmarks for PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10, and 11 while continuing to build upon Crunchy Data's efforts with the PostgreSQL Security Technical Implementation Guide (PostgreSQL STIG )....

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  • 11 min read

    Certificate Authentication Recipe for PostgreSQL Docker Containers

    Jonathan S. Katz

    One of the reasons that PostgreSQL supports many authentication methods is to help ensure that it can work with multiple external identity management providers. While a lot of people are familiar with having PostgreSQL request a password for logging in, there are other ways to facilitate the management of user authentication depending on your deployment requirements. One method that can be used in larger enterprise environments is using certificates to authenticate between a PostgreSQL clien...

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  • 7 min read

    How to Upgrade Your PostgreSQL Passwords to SCRAM

    Jonathan S. Katz

    In a lot of PostgreSQL environments, it’s common practice to protect user accounts with a password. Starting with PostgreSQL 10, the way PostgreSQL manages password-based authentication got a major upgrade with the introduction of SCRAM authentication , a well-defined standard that is a significant improvement over the current system in PostgreSQL. What’s better is that almost all PostgreSQL drivers now support this new method of password authentication, which should help drive further adop...

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  • 3 min read

    How the CIS Benchmark for PostgreSQL 11 Works

    Douglas Hunley

    Crunchy Data has recently announced an update to the CIS PostgreSQL Benchmark by the Center for Internet Security , a nonprofit organization that provides publications around standards and best practices for securing technologies systems. This newly published CIS PostgreSQL 11 Benchmark joins the existing CIS Benchmarks for PostgreSQL 9.5 , 9.6 , and 10 while continuing to build upon Crunchy Data's efforts with the PostgreSQL Security Technical Implementation Guide (PostgreSQL STIG )....

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  • 10 min read

    PostgreSQL Deep Dive: PostgreSQL Defaults and Impact on Security - Part 2

    Joe Conway

    In Part 1 of this blog, we covered quite a bit of information with respect to how a PostgreSQL database is initially configured by default from the perspective of discretionary access control. We also saw how to inspect those default behaviors using the crunchy_check_access extension. In Part 2, we will explore the situation identified in CVE-2018-1058 and discuss how to protect yourself. Finally we have come to the Pièce De Résistance! CVE-2018-1058 describes how a user can create object...

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  • 25 min read

    PostgreSQL Deep Dive: PostgreSQL Defaults and Impact on Security - Part 1

    Joe Conway

    Recently I gave a "deep dive" talk on the topic of PostgreSQL security, and I wanted to capture one part of that content into a blog since this format is both better for making that content stand on its own and for expanding on it a bit. Specifically, in this two-part blog, we will cover a PostgreSQL extension that I wrote called crunchy_check_access -- the motivation behind it and what it does -- and then use that extension to probe and understand the consequences of the default, out of the...

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